One of legendary drummer Buddy Rich’s last requests of his daughter, Cathy, was to keep his band working, his music alive, and to do something for young people…
No easy task, but eventually the idea of a yearly memorial concert seemed like the best way to do it. Cathy Rich produced the first Buddy Rich Memorial Concert in 1988 at Carnegie Hall in New York and thus began the story of these incredible events.
This was London’s turn… Taking place on the exact date of the 25th anniversary of Buddy’s passing – 2nd April 1987 – at the world-famous London Palladium, the show featured members of the US-based Buddy Rich Big Band, reinforced by prominent session musicians from the UK, many of whom performed with Buddy during his career. Fronted by some of the biggest names on the international drum scene, the show was co-hosted by John Thomson and Cathy Rich herself, who presented Lifetime Achievement Awards to three drumming legends: Ian Paice, Ginger Baker and Clem Cattini. Special guests, including singing supremoes Tony Christie and Bruce Dickinson, also performed.
This was one show not to be missed – the world’s greatest musicians in the world’s greatest theatre paying tribute to “the world’s greatest drummer”!